Not Safe · Not Effective · Not Necessary
For the Seers · the Violated · the Recorders · the Repentant
Over the past three years, something dreadful, ungodly, deeply inhumane and ultimately degrading to human flourishing took place — a Violation, an Atrocity — on a global scale. It was followed by an audacious, entrenched, ongoing Campaign to cover up the Violation, ignore the suffering of the Violated and avoid the Implications of all that has taken place. Those who “didn’t notice” or now choose to continue “looking away” will increasingly find themselves on the wrong side of history. How did we arrive at such a drastic moment?
The Seers
This is principally for the Seers. The community of people who did notice the Violation and refused to turn away from the unfolding horrors. Who warned and mourned and engaged in an existential struggle for Life and Liberty — most especially on behalf of The Children.
For those Who, disillusioned by a World-That-Was, now look uncertainly forward to a vastly Different Future, necessarily devoid of faith in institutions of a new world order in which international corporations and cowardly state governments openly bind their might together with globalising plans, “initiatives” and treaties that stray far from their vaunted, hubristic headlines: into realms of public life in ways that will ultimately cripple human flourishing, strangling the human spirit of its innate thirst for peace, joy, hope, compassion, family, duty and adventure; trading on human vulnerability to ply an endless diatribe of undeliverable promises of “safety and security,” grounded only in deceit, duplicitousness, denial … death.
Seers : You led the way in saying No; You are the vanguard of a better Tomorrow.
The Violated
This journal is also for the Violated: those who have suffered injury or loss, whether through the moral or criminal negligence of those who claimed to be trust-worthy — politicians, religious clerics, medical authorities, civil and commercial employers — or through personal naivety, ignorance, denial, impatience, hubris or some combination thereof. Frequently, overlooked and un-invited in debates about the efficacy and side-effects of pharmaceuticals, the iatrogenically injured — iatrogenic: “induced unintentionally by a physician or surgeon or by medical treatment or diagnostic procedures” — are present amongst us in greater number than in any period of history or prior public immunisation. At the same time, the bodies of the “Died Suddenly” are metaphorically piling up, in the sporting stadiums, as well as the hospitals. Rates of “excess mortality,” insurance schedules of death and injury — particularly amongst the normally-healthy median-aged (30-40s) — underreported VAERS (US) / Yellow Card (UK) and similar databases and financial quotas refuse to lie, even when politicians insist.
Violated : The staggering numbers — and your loss — can no longer be hidden.
The Recorders
Acting from professional and activist perspective, numerous scribes, writers, journalists, podcasters and media presenters have risen to become the Recorders of the Violation: describing, documenting, commenting, pleading and otherwise responding humanely to the extraordinary web of this iatrogenic Travesty. By their humanity alone, never minds their words, these collective voces humanae excellentiae — Voices of Human Excellence — condemn the behaviour, attitudes and actions of those who, for their own professional or personal advantage — or, ‘goddamit’, perversity — Pioneered, Peddled, Protected and Played Along with The Pandemic Narrative, whilst simultaneously Smearing, Pillorying and Censoriously Denying either Voice or Reflective Space to the Concerned; the Questioning; the Critical-Thinking Skeptics; the Afeared; the Hesitant; the Un-Complicit Refuseniks; the Un-Vaccinated; the Anti-Vaxxers (all-too-often those with vaccine-damaged offspring); the Lockdown Skeptics; the Great Barrington Signatories; the Canadian “Truckers for Freedom” and all such kindred, “kith and kin.” Unless and until these Voices are authentically heard and heeded, no healing of Humanity’s Violation is possible.
Recorders : You stood steadfast and early against the Mendacious Tide: We — Seers and Violated alike — salute you and the honourable sacrifices you’ve made, which are recorded by Heaven.
The Violation
Coercive propaganda; psychological operations; damnable censorship of Critics; an unceasingly, frequently unfathomable tide of “lies, damn lies and statistics,” cooly prepared in the minds of unaccountable technocrats — academics, civil servants and Machiavellian political operators — hidden behind layers of obfuscation, generously funded by the Public, the demos, upon whom were trained these efficiently operated weapons of social manipulation. In. The. Name. Of. Science. “Two weeks to flatten the curve” became two years of slowly turning screws that undermined the economic, social, intellectual, cultural, political, democratic health of nations, piece-by-piece, one-by-one; in a series of actions justified by seducers — I refuse them the title of “leaders” — who invented, then perpetrated one social crime after another, thinking nothing of overriding the collected Wisdom of Ages, including natural immunity, Parliamentary scrutiny and moral transparency, as hubristic political executives, stuffed with enthusiastic Davos-Acolytes, went full-scale berserk: wilfully ignoring painfully-won freedoms, designed to protect member of the public from Demented Medico-Science and underwritten in human blood — including the Nuremberg Code; the Declaration of Helsinki and the principle of Informed Consent — in their pseudo-heroic rush to cover-up their previous injurious, knee-jerking proclamations, starting with:
Lockdowns and masks — an escapade of break-taking (sic) unscientific ineptitude, stalling the education and social development of infants and youth and bringing widespread economic misery — an initiative only surpassed in stupidity by
‘Vaccines’ — the “miraculous” (read: “highly experimental; hardly tested”) mRNA jabs and boosters — (seemingly) developed in months, incautiously rushed through safety vetting procedures that formerly, rightly took decades, before being pushed, with even less caution, into the arms of a harried populace, keen to believe a Lie that promised deliverance from an unceasing nightmare. All evoked in response to a easily-treatable disease — identified asymptomatically by a ubiquitous, unfit-for-purpose diagnostic test — striking chiefly at the elderly and infirm in patterns not dissimilar to influenza. This failed initiative, horribly expensive in both human and financial terms, then became the subject of a massive
Cover Up — a cynical, tyrannical tirade of intrusive, repetitive, illogical propaganda, accompanied by covert and overt censorship of authentic scientists, honourable medics, renegade journalists and refuseniks, constantly foisted upon us by a coven of “Big Tech” corporations, engaging dishonestly with desperate, despotic politicians.
The Violation : will not be denied, overlooked, forgot.
The Perpetrators
Together we know their names: the Roll-Call is long and its membership artful in duplicity and wickedly clever at avoiding the guilt of their malfeasance. These are Those who knowingly unleashed — and endlessly funded — powerful, destructive forces, upon an unwitting global populace:
Coercive, Propagandist, Vested “Scientists” — unworthy of the unqualified epithet — dealing, so ably, so confidently, so fraudulently, in fetishised, misleading, intimidating, easy-answer graphs; smoothly covering over nuances; avoiding critical questioning; ignoring uncomfortable data; serving their overmasters so faithfully — for which their rewards have only just begun.
Preposterous, Politicised Public Health Frameworks — nonsensical political pronouncements, spewed out contemptuously into public life, with gleeful abandon, halting in its tracks the ordinary, mundane life made so precious by these inordinate curtailments; ridiculous, pathetically illogical prohibitions, making petty criminals of countryside walkers and coffee drinkers and Errant Fools of police officers; codifying contemptuous, intimidating, illusory, “smoke and mirror” slogans that served to justify the actions of inept funeral directors isolating family mourners; enumerating unmeasurable risks (“no more than six”) to haunt family celebrations of Christmas and to actively deny grandparents the succour of the grandchildren whose nascent lives were being sacrificed, part by part, to preserve the waning health of the aged, like some ghoulish horror story.
Corrupted Medical Practitioners and Hospitals — “First. Do. No. Harm” RIP. It seems you died long ago, placed quietly into your grave by a medical industry that preferred Pharma Funds, computerised prescriptions and Public Health decrees to Patient-First, Evidence-based Praxis. Once respected Journals too, besmirched by a peer-review process that promotes political messages and professionally slays Critics.
Technology Corporations — social media publishing platforms transformed effortlessly into international censors of What May be Said, written, spoken or discussed; ruthlessly deploying a wave of moralising, “fact-checking” arbitrators; hubristic lackeys of forces willing to suffocate the Free Speech impetus upon which their wealth was built.
Pharmaceutical Corporations — already the most criminal legalised industry, a rolling bandwagon provided with ever-more momentum — opportunity · funding · indemnities — that even a Mafiosi wouldn’t dare to imagine. May they inherit that which they have wielded in the world.
Sociopathic Funders and Financiers — Heaven also knows the motivation of those so enriched that they easily escape accountability, hiding their works in the shadows created by networks of commercial, social and “philanthropic” enterprises that gloss over human injustices wrought by their moral pretensions and failures, proffering delusions of grandeur that would make a Greek deity feint.
Perpetrators : You are not absolved. Your sins will find you out. #MistakesWereNOTMade
The Advocates
Actors and activists who wed themselves to the Violating Ideology — deliberately, enthusiastically, loudly denying Others any Voice or access to public platforms — in order to shield their arrogant insistence of a single perspective; to protect their own interests, reputations, wealth-generation, institutions and, perhaps, their own hidden fears — all face the quiet shame of their complicity with a unjust, manufactured war. Their bleating for a “public pandemic amnesty”; their half-hearted admissions of “bungled decisions” represent the nascent pleas of their inner Accuser: their own “bungled” (mishandled) consciences, crying-out — like the haunting night-time wails of Shanghai’s incarcerated high-rise residents — to be allowed to emerge, once more into daylight, from the psychological lockdown imposed on them, by these ever-willing Advocates. The longer they intentionally look away from the appalling Outcomes of their Advocacy, clinging to a hackneyed narrative of “Safe · Effective and Necessary,” the harder it becomes to empathise with the slow demise of their humanity, which they are inevitably suffering, as they seek to deny their participation in the Atrocity.
Advocates : It is time for humility; for confession of wrongs done; for openness; political and moral transparency. Only by confessing the deep Truth of what has been Wrong can come the Reconciliation that enables us together to put things Right.
The Confused
The masses whose lack of care or authentic engagement contributed significantly to the widespread social passivity that empowered authoritarian governments, leaving it to a hardy, heroic remnant to resist the onslaught of increasingly vicious authoritarians. For sure, people, like sheep, are easily confused, particularly when operating beyond areas of experiential knowledge. Most of us pick and choose the areas of life that provide our sense of purpose or pique our interest; beyond that, there’s only so much space for considering ideas that are “off-radar,” causing us to default to ‘sheep-like’ behaviour: looking up from the each metaphorical “patch of grass” only long enough to check that any new happenstance isn’t about to interfere with our next mouthful. When in doubt, follow the person in front, on the assumption that they know where they’re going. Maybe that’s how and why so many people lined up for an experimental inoculation, in ignorance of a host of “red-flags” that seemed obvious to others. Add to this that the claims of postmodernity — authorities have no claim on our unquestioning faith — have not reached everywhere equally. Many people, despite the ebbing away of trust in other central areas of life — politics, religion and so forth — continue to assume that the mainstream media and public health systems must be worthy of trust.
Ergo, lambs to the slaughter.
The Repentant
Lastly, mention must be made of an emergent vanguard of those whom, having imbibed the dreadful biological agent now tearing away at the innards of vast swathes of humanity, have now turned directly towards the Light and begun, in earnest, to expose the Horror and call for a halt to the Violation, including:
British MP and biochemist, Andrew Bridgen — almost a lone voice in the UK parliament, quietly insisting that those ignore his plea will find themselves “on the wrong side of history”;
British You-Tube sensation, Dr John Campbell — lifelong Nurse and Educator who transformed, step-by-step, on-screen, in front of our eyes — from erstwhile Proponent to Stunned Scientist (“Can I believe what I’m seeing?”) to wily Opponent;
Dr Aseem Molhotra — Britain’s most eminent cardiologist and one-time darling of breakfast TV, now wholly shunned by mainstream media, after the untimely death of his own father forced his “look again” at the evidence', who provides a fulsome and hopeful analyses of the Violation, in his recent presentation “Has Big Pharma Highjacked Evidence Based Medicine?”
Repentant : Thank you for daring to Turn and speak up from a vulnerable place. For moving on Truthfully, not half-heartedly. You represent the next wave of the Fight that began with the Seers and the Recorders. You have something to say and the world will hear it. One way or another.
A Way Forward
This is where we have been; the backdrop of 2019-22.
As we enter 2023, where next for those who foresaw the Destructive Iatrogenic Waves now crashing on the shores of the Western Nations and those closely allied to our anti-human “Scientism”? Where now for those who wearied by the increasingly incredible depths of the Cover-up? Where next, for the Seers · the “Red-Pilled” · the Awake (not Woke!) and the Repentant?
Essential Further Reading
The Nature of the Beast
I recommend two essays as valuable further reading in regard to fully identifying and unmasking some of the most deeply hidden aspects of the machinations of the Violation … the “Betrayal.”
We must be grateful for the existence and emergence into our awareness of such Thinkers — a vital subgroup of the Seers — and Writers — a vital subgroup of the Recorders who are able to so powerfully elucidate the realities which presently confront us.
Mello’s profoundly insightful essay unmasks the psychological and cultural workings of trust and betrayal that have underpinned the Atrocity and, in particular, the role of the media in cultivating trust in the essentially untrustworthy, pushing society further and deeper into the destructive pathways, underpinned by further and deeper control of human societies — in short: moral, psychological, literal enslavement by technology — and the hastening end of Western Civilisation as we once knew it.
Note: Mello’s essay links another powerful essay exposing the dehumanising psychology by which Germany’s National Socialism seduced the medical classes towards an embrace of euthanasia for the “unfit” and the concomitant weaponisation of pharmaceuticals that essentially represents the methodology underpinning the global imperialism presently being conducted at the point of a needle.
Sasha’s essay unmasks the role of “Deep State” actors — the Perpetrators, revealing how:
“Behind the scenes, the “official enemies” are partners and co-investors into “joint ventures” against us, people of the world. They use taxpayers’ money to fund, develop, then “approve”, purchase and deploy prohibited biowarfare agents for killing and injuring their own civilian population, their own armed forces, first responders, healthcare workers, pregnant women and children.
Finally reminding us what any possibility of hopeful regeneration must incorporate at its most fundamental and personal level:
To stop this every one of us must start using correct precise language, start calling things what they really are.
We are all of us The Violated. I was a Seer, now a Recorder.
We all of us must now concentrate our rage and indignation upon the Unrepentant and we must unite to create a world not where we merely HOPE this will never happen again, but a world where such an Atrocity CANNOT happen ever again. Such a world will be very different from our fondly remembered, and largely illusory Old Normal and it will also be radically different from the totalitarian New Normal, which our tormentors are even now attempting to impose upon us.
Resist. Recreate.
Thanks for honoring all those people. Include me in. I look forward to seeing what comes from your engagement with the world through Substack.